Lab. Intro.

The Information Retrieval Lab of The School of Computer Science and Technology, Shandong University, was established in the year of 2004. There are 6 faculty members (four professors, two associate professors) and near 70 graduate students (19 PhD candidates and 51 masters) in the lab.

Now the lab is undertaking more than 30 funding projects, including the NSF of China, the National 863 project and the projects of Shandong Province and the Education Ministry of China, as well as some applications on the Internet. The researches being carried out involve information retrieval, natural language processing, big data mining, social computing, recommendation system and machine learning. More than 200 papers were published in international journals and conferences within recent 5 years.

Besides above theoretical researches, the students of the lab developed or are developing several Web applications to sever the society, which include vertical search engines for real estates, web data collection and analysis and research paper recommendation.

The lab encourages the communication with the universities and research institutes abroad and home, and welcomes the excellent students to join the lab.


2024-07-24Congratulations on the prize of "SIGIR 2024 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award" for IR Lab of Shandong University

2024-05-23Congratulations on the acceptance of papers by ACL 2024

2024-03-29Congratulations on the acceptance of papers by SIGIR 2024

2024-03-14Congratulations on the prize of "WSDM 2024 Best Paper Honorable Mention Award" for IR Lab of Shandong University

2024-03-05Congratulations on the acceptance of papers by LREC-COLING 2024

2024-02-27Congratulations to Sun Weiwei, Master student of IR Lab of Shandong University, for winning the Baidu Scholarship 2023

2023-12-30Congratulations on the prize of the 25th China International High-tech Fair "Excellent Product Award" for Fuzi.mingcha legal large language model

2023-12-30School of computer science and technology was approved to set up "Qingdao Key Laboratory of Big Data Technology Innovation"

2023-12-25Congratulations on the prize of "EMNLP 2023 Outstanding Paper Award" for IR Lab of Shandong University

2023-11-29Congratulations on the acceptance of papers by WSDM 2024

2023-11-05Fuzi.mingcha legal large language model performs well in the evaluation of big language model's judicial ability

2023-10-13Congratulations on the acceptance of papers by EMNLP 2023

2023-10-06Congratulations on the acceptance of papers by NeurIPS 2023、CIKM 2023 and TACL

2023-09-20Congratulations on the prize of "2023 excellent innovative application case of large model" for Fuzi.mingcha legal large language model

2023-09-12Congratulations on the release of Fuzi.mingcha legal large language model by IRLab

2023-05-06Congratulations on the acceptance of papers by ACL2023

2023-04-20CCF-NLP enters universities——Shandong University

2023-04-19The Strategic Seminar of the Information Retrieval Committee of the Chinese Society of Chinese Information Technology was successfully held

2023-04-19Congratulations on the acceptance of papers by WWW2023

2023-04-06Congratulations on the acceptance of papers by SIGIR2023
