美国Texas State University Byron Gao教授访问实验室并做学术报告
美国Texas State University Byron Gao 教授于2016年12月9日访问山东大学信息检索实验室并给了精彩的报告,以下是详细内容。
Title: Non-parametric clustering
Abstract: Cluster analysis, or clustering, is a fundamental data mining task and diverse tool for big data analytics with vast applications. During a clustering process, the user is typically required to provide input such as specification of parameters to guide the search for thetarget clustering. However, in many cases the user has little to none knowledge about the required clustering parameters and is forced to enter uncertain information, leading to unfavorable clustering results. Thus it is important tostudy ``non-parametric" clustering that minimizes input uncertainty and requires as few unjustified assumptions as possible.
Bio: Byron Gao is an associate professor of computer science at Texas State University. He joined Texas State in 2008, was a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Wisconsin in 2007-2008, and received Ph.D. in 2007 and B.Sc. in 2003 from Simon Fraser University. His research spans several related fields of data mining, databases, information retrieval and bioinformatics.