
Zhumin Chen

PhD, Professor, PhD Advisor, Outstanding Graduate Advisor of Shandong Province


Associate Dean, School of Computer Science and Technology


Zhumin Chen currently is a professor in School of Computer Science and Technology of Shandong University. He is a member of the Natural Language Processing Committee, Biomedical and Health Information Processing Committee, Information Retrieval Committee, Social Media Processing Committee, Distinguished Committee of China Computer Federation (CCF) and ACM. His research interests mainly include natural language processing, information retrieval, big data mining, as well as social media processing. His research is supported by National Key Research and Development Program, Natural Science Fund of China, Key Science and Technology Innovation Project of Shandong Province, Natural Science Fund of Shandong Province, Excellent Middle-Aged and Youth Scientists of Shandong Province, Postdoctoral Fund of china, et al. He has published more than 130 papers on ACL, SIGIR, WWW, KDD, NeurIPS, AAAI, EMNLP, CIKM, COLING, WSDM, TKDE, TOIS, TACL, TKDD, JASIST, IRJ, JCST, Neurocomputing, Physica A, Soft Computing et al. He and his supervised students get the Best Paper Honorable Mention of SIGIR 2024、 the Best Full Paper Runner-up Award of WSDM2024、 the Outstanding Paper Award of EMNLP2023,  the Best Full Paper Runner-up Award of CIKM2017, the Best Student Paper Award of NLPCC2013, the Outstanding Graduate Advisor of Shandong Province, the Best Master Thesis Guidance Award of Shandong Province. He has visited Purdue University, Microsoft Research Asia. He has designed and developed several information retrieval and data mining systems including "Web Information Retrieval and Public Opinion Analysis System", "Estate Information Retrieval and Management System" et al.

Research Interests

  • Natural language processing (Large Language Model, Dialogue, Qustion Answering, Knowledge Graph, Document Summarization)
  • Big Data on Healthcare (Medical IR, Health Information Recommendation, Big Health Data Mining, Intelligent Decision)
  • Recommendation System (Product Recommendation, Social Recommendation, Video Recommendation, Session Recommendation, Cross-domain Recommendation)

Research Experience

  • 12/2014-12/2015: Visiting Scholar, Purdue University, USA
  • 2/2012-8/2012: Visiting Scholar, Microsoft Research Asia

Funding (PI)

  • Natural Science Fund of China 2024-2027
  • National Key Research and Development Program 2022-2025
  • Natural Science Fund of China 2020-2023
  • Research on Postgraduate Education and Teaching Reform of Shandong Province 2021-2022
  • Key Science and Technology Innovation Project of Shandong Province 2020-2022
  • Natural Science Fund of China 2017-2020
  • Development of Intelligent Price Evaluation Model for Real Estates 2023-2024
  • Intelligent Customer Service System for Air conditioner Repair 2019-2020
  • Research on Natural Language Generation Technology 2019-2020
  • Natural Science Fund of Shandong Province 2017-2019
  • Big Data Analysis of Cross-platform Social Media 2017-2018
  • Excellent Middle-Aged and Youth Scientists of Shandong Province 2012-2015
  • Microsoft City Computing 2014-2015
  • Natural Science Fund of China 2012-2014
  • Postdoctoral Fund of China 2010-2012
  • Fundamental Research Funds of Shandong University 2009-2011


Reviewer of SIGIR, WWW, ACL, IJCAI, AAAI, WSDM, EMNLP, CIKM, COLING, KDD, NLPCC, AIRS, CCL, IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, ACM Transactions on Information Systems, IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, IEEE Transactions on Big Data and Learning Systems, Science China Information Sciences, Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, JCST, Frontiers of Computer Science, Neural Processing Letters, Neurocomputing, Physica A, Neural Computing and Applications, Information Technology and Management, International Journal of Machine Learning and Cybernetics, Future Generation Computer Systems, Transactions on Asian and Low-Resource Language Information Processing et al.

Outstanding reviewer of SIGIR'17.