


应山东大学信息检索实验室许信顺教授的邀请,5月31日,美国北卡大学的吴鑫涛副教授在软件园校区高性能中心第一报告厅为软件园校区师生做了一场精彩的学术报告,报告题目是:《Privacy-Preserving Social Network Analysis》。以下为报告内容简介:

Social networks often contain some private attribute information about individuals as well as their sensitive relationships. The privacy concerns associated with data analysis over social networks have incurred the recent research on privacy-preserving social network analysis, particularly on privacy-preserving publishing and querying social network data. Compared with well studied privacy-preservation techniques for tabular data, it is more challenging to design effective anonymization and perturbation techniques for publishing and mining social network data because of the difficulties in modeling link structures in social networks. In this talk, we survey the very recent research development on privacy-preserving publishing and analyzing social network data. In the first part, we focus on privacy preserving publishing social network data approaches: K-anonymity based privacy preservation via edge modification, probabilistic privacy preservation via edge randomization, and privacy preservation via generalization. In the second part, we focus on privacy preserving querying social network data and present the very recent private query answering techniques based on differential privacy. We finally discuss challenges and propose new research directions in this area.

吴鑫涛现为美国北卡大学(UNC Charlotte)软件和信息系统系副教授。吴教授1994年毕业于中国科大信息科学系,1997年获得中国空间技术研究院计算机工程专业硕士学位,并于2001年获得美国乔治梅森大学(George Mason University)信息技术专业博士学位。吴教授的研究方向包括数据挖掘,数据安全,和社交网络分析等。